The Family Assistant
Recruitment & Training agency
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recruitment & training agency

Through our experience, we know how valuable it is to have a Family Assistant for intensive family life combined with a high-level career.
She is the stable factor in your family and can respond to any situation. She has a passion for organizing and is proactive.

Our professional team recruits, selects and trains Family Assistants to then, together with you, determine who best fits your family. What makes our company unique is that we are the only agency in the Netherlands that has specialized in the "family assistant" profession.

We work with trained professionals and coach Family Assistants throughout their careers with families. Discretion, anticipation and caring in a personal way are our core values. 

The goal is to create a stress-free environment where the Family Assistant takes care of the day-to-day operations.

"As a Family Assistant, your feelers are constantly pointed at the family. Thinking and acting not one, but always two steps ahead. That makes that big difference."
Naomi Plijnaar
Founder - The Family Assistant